Sunday, December 12, 2010

heat wave

While the country is experiencing freezing snow and temperatures the California Central Coast is inundated with a smothering 77 degree high. The weather is making for mild biking conditions with standard gear of shorts and short sleeve jerseys. I opted for a jacket when I left at day break for a 40 miler down to Montana De Oro State park before any traffic rolled in. Finished out the day with 5 mile hike up Cerro San Luis also know as Madonna Mt. The 1300 vertical trail provided 360 degree vistas of the valleys and mountains that surrounds the San Luis Obispo area. The seven sister peaks where amazing with there majestic projections that stretch to the ocean at Morro bay. Just another day on the Central Coast a multisport Paradise.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

the day before the rain

Another awesome day on the Central Coast. Set out early knowing the Grand Fondo century ride was scheduled and wanted to see some of the Columbia pro riders. I headed up Hwy 1 north of Cayucos into the micro climate pass through Harmony between the coast and the mountain range. The weather through there is always 10 degrees warmer than along the coast and up on the mountain ridges. I kept on the gear knowing that the weather would be a bit more chilly once the road opened up along the coast. As I road into Cambria the riders in the GF where already headed up the road to San Simeon, the turn around for the 100 mile ride. I kept on heading up the coast, the road narrows here a bit but traffic is significantly less. As you head up the coast your exposed to amazing scenery. There was a substantial swell and the waves were glassy. From San Simeon to Ragged Point the road is rather flat until the last couple miles were you begin climbing up along the perch that cuts through the mountains that continues for 90 miles up to Monterey. Ragged Point is at the top of the first climb and is 37 miles from Cayucos. A short stop for water and a Cliff bar and I headed back to Cayucos with the ever present tail wind. I Like to ride on the way back with a slight tempo. It was Sunny and warm on the way back and no sign of the forecast rain that was to come later that night. Another perfect day on the Central Coast.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

ragged point biking

The most awesome bike ride you will ever experience. Cayucos multisport will take you there and beyond. Thirty five years of multisport on the Central Coast of California. Check it out.